


金泰範 // Taebeom Kim

Taebeom Kim has been educated and worked in Japan, San Francisco, New York, London and Korea. After spending some time in architecture office in Seoul, he started working on art installation and experimental projects that people can physically involve or play with. He currently works at Tokyo University of the Arts as Research associate at Tom Heneghan Laboratory.

愛媛県生まれ。Architectural Association School of Architecture(AAスクール) 卒業。韓国にて建築事務所勤務後、インスタレーションや触って遊べる体験型アート作品を制作・発表。現在、東京藝術大学美術学部建築科教育研究助手。

Contact : candylife72@hotmail.com


:: 1980
Born in Ehime, Japan
:: 2002-2005
City College of San Francisco, Department of Architecture, San Francisco, USA
:: 2005-2010
Architectural Association School of Architecture (AA Dip), London, UK
:: 2010-2011
IROJE architects & planners
:: 2013-
Research Associate at Tokyo University of the Arts

:: 1980
:: 2002-2005
サンフランシスコ シティカレッジ 建築科
:: 2005-2010
AAスクール 卒業 (Diploma)
:: 2010-2011
IROJE architects & planners (韓国・ソウル)
:: 2013-

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